Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Another Wreck

I came along just in time to miss this one. Seems that the young guy was coming down the hill when someone cut him off. He swerved and ended up on his side in the parking lot of our store on Haywood road in Greenville, SC. The cop car in the second picture was already there when the wreck happened. If the truck had rolled it would have gotten the cop. I bet he choked on his doughnut when he saw the truck coming at him.
Visited mom tonite. She was cordial and made small talk . She then called my sister and told her to call off the dogs. She accused my sister of sending me to check on her. This desease is really strange. Makes people act absolutely crazy. Makes us crazy dealing with it. She can act so totally normal one minute and then come out with something so off the wall that you feel like looking around to see where it came from. The really sad thing is that she doesn't see what's happening. In her mind she is completely normal.

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