Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Funny you should mention it.

I decided tonite to share a little humor with you. The top one is almost not funny. I'm constantly admonished to do something about the prices. Just for the record, I have no control over that, I just fix things, I don't run the company or set the prices. So, if you see me working on a pump somewhere, ask me anything you like but don't ask me to do something about the prices.
Saw a great site tonite http://OLIVERBENJAMIN.NET check it out.
I was talking to a man yesterday about having a tree cut at my house. While I was talking to this person I was removing a fuel meter from a pump. I was down on my knees with the meter in my hands and gas running down my arm. I told the guy " What you do seems like pretty dangerous work." He looked at the gas dripping off my arm and said " No, what you're doing looks like dangerous work." I said " As long as it don't catch fire I'm OK." thanks for reading.

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