Saturday, June 30, 2007

Nature Trail

We travelled today to visit the Nuclear plant at Keowee. While on the nature trail there I saw this tree. I thought it amusing that the tree was so strange so close to the reactors. My spouse is seen here with our two grandsons. One childs father married the other ones mother. They are very much alike and yet so very different.
The boys really enjoyed the trip. We enjoyed visiting Pickens Courthouse. This is the first settlement in this area. The only surviving building is the church built in 1840. There are lots of really old graves there. The old timers put some strange stuff on tombstones. The most popular phrase was "Gone but not Forgotten". My question is this , If the people who wrote that are all dead then isn't that untrue? Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Get it?

What's wrong with this picture? If you don't get it leave a comment.

Another Wreck

I came along just in time to miss this one. Seems that the young guy was coming down the hill when someone cut him off. He swerved and ended up on his side in the parking lot of our store on Haywood road in Greenville, SC. The cop car in the second picture was already there when the wreck happened. If the truck had rolled it would have gotten the cop. I bet he choked on his doughnut when he saw the truck coming at him.
Visited mom tonite. She was cordial and made small talk . She then called my sister and told her to call off the dogs. She accused my sister of sending me to check on her. This desease is really strange. Makes people act absolutely crazy. Makes us crazy dealing with it. She can act so totally normal one minute and then come out with something so off the wall that you feel like looking around to see where it came from. The really sad thing is that she doesn't see what's happening. In her mind she is completely normal.

Monday, June 25, 2007

A day in the life

Just another day in the life. USA today is running a series of articles this week about caring for the elderly. A subject close to me. My 80 year old mother has Alzheimers and is getting really difficult to deal with. "I don't need anybody and I'll do whatever I want to do." Tonite she directed her wrath at my sister because she was seen talking to the enemy(me). Sis refused to be browbeaten and made her calm down before she would leave. She also told mom to go ahead and call the police if that's what she wantd to do. I'm not sure if modern medicine is all that great if we keep people alive into their 80's and 90's just to have them lose their personality and forget all the things that make them who they are. Thanks for reading.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Who's in charge here?

This is an older pic of my grandson. I think it's pretty obvious he thinks he's in charge. His 8 month old sister is actually in charge.
They came over today and she made it clear that everything was fine as long as she got what she wanted. Her dad sounds like a broken record "No Mam, No Mam, No MaM..........." Makes it easier for all the trouble he got into to fade away.
A new subject I haven't got into before. My mother has alzheimers. She's ok most of the time but then does or says totally irrational things. She has cut off relationships that she enjoyed for a lifetime including my brother and me. We just ignore her protest and continue to do things for her. She cut off a close personal freind that she had talked to and shared with for a lifetime. I call it the "Damnable Desease" because it doesn't just affect your health but destroys who you are. I worked in a Nursing Home for 7 years and saw the effects of this desease daily. I'm looking forward to the day when mom forgets who I am and doesn't think that I'm the enemy anymore.
We can only pray for a swift end before the desease takes her personality away entirely. thanks for reading.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Virgins in Heaven

I found this the other day and could hardly wait to post it for your viewing enjoyment. I mean, really, how lame do you have to be to believe that G-d is gonna reward you sexually for killing innocent men, women, and children to please Him? Not only are you destroying yourself but you are passing judgement on others of His creation. thanks for reading.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Funny you should mention it.

I decided tonite to share a little humor with you. The top one is almost not funny. I'm constantly admonished to do something about the prices. Just for the record, I have no control over that, I just fix things, I don't run the company or set the prices. So, if you see me working on a pump somewhere, ask me anything you like but don't ask me to do something about the prices.
Saw a great site tonite http://OLIVERBENJAMIN.NET check it out.
I was talking to a man yesterday about having a tree cut at my house. While I was talking to this person I was removing a fuel meter from a pump. I was down on my knees with the meter in my hands and gas running down my arm. I told the guy " What you do seems like pretty dangerous work." He looked at the gas dripping off my arm and said " No, what you're doing looks like dangerous work." I said " As long as it don't catch fire I'm OK." thanks for reading.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Laws of the universe

The guys in the top photo are discussing one of the laws of the universe. The one that says two objects having mass cannot occupy the same space at the same time. I looked up just in time to see the guy in the pickup try to drive thru the tail of the tractor-trailor. I gotta believe it ruined his day.

On a lighter note this little guy builds a nest on my light fixture every year. I clean it up after he leaves but he comes back every year. I looked him up one year but I've forgotten what kind he is. You can look out the living room window and watch him up close. I didn't use any zoom at all to take these pictures.
I saw it at least three times in the last two days. My pet peeve. People leaving their cars running, unlocked, while they "run" into the store to get something. When they're stolen we all get to enjoy higher insurance premiums. You can fix machines, traffic tickets, typos, and many, many other things but you just can't fix stupid. Thanks for reading.

Saturday, June 09, 2007


Well, it's finally here. the crazy, hazy, lazy days of summer. This is always my favorite time of year. I never complain about the heat. I work outside and I'm always aware of the days when it's 28 degrees and sleeting and I'm out in it. That helps keep things in perspective. The only downside to this time of year is the thunderstorms. The lightning plays havoc with our electronics and some nights are really busy trying to get the stores back online.
Above you see where we spend a lot of time in the summer. A couple of years ago I had to replace the liner and used the occasion to fill in the deep end and get rid of the diving board. My insurance company was pleased. Most teens don't have any brains when they get on a diving board. Now we have a SWIMMING pool. Less water, less chemicals.
Gotta go, thanks for reading.