Saturday, January 27, 2007

Well, maybe Calvin can do this but most of the rest of us can't. The trouble is this, so often we care too much. We have to find a happy medium. A place where we have enough concern to fuel ambition but enough apathy to prevent a nervous breakdown.
Greenville is a decidedly more dangerous place to drive since BMW built their plant here. I travel the Interstate in this area many hours each day and I constantly see people take incredible chances. Changing lanes recklessly and cutting off other drivers. I've noticed that fully 60% of these drivers are driving BMW's. This isn't a scientific study or anything like that but just a rough estimate. I get the impression that these drivers think that because of the make of their vehicle they have special priveledges.
I try not to get too involved in politics ( see first sentence of this entry) but I'm really beginning to believe that we need to find a way out of Iraq. Everyone said that pulling out of VietNam was a big mistake but we're still here. If Iraq is going to be that much of a threat to us with a bunch of radical Islamist in charge then we need to nuke Iran and Syria and kill all the Palestinians. What we really need to do is say Screw the tree huggers and develop our own oil fields. Quit buying any oil in the middle east and these fruitcakes wouldn't have US dollars to buy weapons with. Go to a Manhattan Project level to develop alternative energies and become energy independent.
Enough for now. Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.