Friday, February 15, 2019

    Today is visit Nanny day. Deb's Mom is in a local LTC facility and we always visit on Friday afternoon. I hope she is in good spirits today. When she is upset or depressed it gets Debs down. Afterward we always go out to eat in Greenville. Friday night date night is something we have done for over 30 years. Even years ago when we were struggling financially we would at least go for a hot dog. Finding time for each other is one of the things that makes a marriage last.
    I had a pleasant surprise yesterday. Even though I had officially left my job the company paid me the annual bonus. I got home with almost a thousand dollars I wasn't expecting! I bought Debs tickets to Celtic Woman at the Peace Center in March. She said she could mark that off her  bucket list. I think I was more thrilled to be able to to that for her than she was to receive it!
    God has richly blessed me and continues to do so.
    I applied with NASA last night to be a guest at a cargo ship launch in April. They are looking for people who are active on social media and can give a personal look at what they do. I have never seen a launch in person even though I have followed the space program closely since I about ten years old. I was excited to see the confirmation of application in my Email this morning. They only choose 50 people and I'm sure there are thousands more qualified than I. Still, it's exciting just to be considered and to know that my name will be mentioned in a meeting somewhere.
    I have a friend on Facebook that I have missed lately. He lives in California and I'm going to message him this morning to make sure he hasn't been flooded out. He was a regular poster and it's really unusual for him too go several days without posting.
    Well, all for now, thanks for reading.

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