Thursday, February 14, 2019

    I worked part time the first weeks of January. I had to buy Market Place Insurance for my wife and was advised by my insurance agent to quit work entirely. The insurance rates would go up if I continued. Basically I would be working just to pay for her insurance. So here I am depending entirely on SSA benefits. Fortunately I am in pretty good shape financially. Still. it's a shame that because of government regulations I can't afford to supplement my income.
    I've got to admit, though, that I have been pretty busy. I have started to reconnect with old friends and, in between rainy days, have done yard work long neglected. I also have taken over household chores that Debs doesn't have time for. Perhaps I will even learn to load the dishwasher to her satisfaction. My company still has my phone number and calls me occasionally for advice. I intend to have the best garden this year that I have ever had. When I think about being retired I often just start laughing out loud.
    I have a large reflector telescope I bought several years ago and now I have time to renew that old hobby. Fortunately nowadays there is a vast amount of stellar information free on the internet.
    Here is a picture of me on the last day of work as I turned in my van and tools.

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