Saturday, October 06, 2007

A While.........

It's been a while since I blogged. We had another all nighter this week and we've got two next week. I thought you might like these two ads I found recently. the top one makes me want to brew a whole pot and the bottom one is totally understandable. I think there have been times that my wife would have not asked questions if I had vanished for a week or two. She would have just wished for the worst and gone on with her life.
Mom was justifying her stay at the Living Center by believing that she was at work there. After her retirement party (birthday party) she had to find a new reason to be there. She now thinks she is in a TB Sanitarium. I don't think there have been any of these facilities in the US for around 50 years. I think her room mate has a cough and mom has somehow turned it into TB. We attended the Alzheimer's Association meeting the other night and heard one woman relate that her mom wants to go home even though she is already at home. She gets her into the car and rides around aimlessly looking for this mythical "home". Our nation is turning into a Lunatic ward. The Jihadist just need to be patient and when all the boomers get dementia we will be an easy conquest.
The grandson had a loose tooth with another already poking through the gum. Naturally his dad called on Gramps to come pull the tooth. I'm the only one in the family mean enough to hold a 6 year old down and pull his tooth against his will. The granddaughter is getting to be a real handful now. She likes to play rough and really enjoys pulling my beard and screaming along with me.
My tattoo artist son is staying really busy now and usually has several appointments going all the time. I'm gonna post more tatt pics soon. He did a very nice Jesus tatt the other day, very realistic. Since he started doing this full time he has really improved. Some people reach a stage of competency and stay there but some just continue to get better and better. These are the artist and I like to think he is one of these. thanks for reading

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