Friday, October 19, 2007


Here it is 4 am and I'm wide awake. Mom is doing ok, by that I mean she is in good physical health but her mind is still gone. She is no longer so beligerant and is a lot easier to get along with. My brother and his wife are going to take her home in a couple of weeks and try caring for her at thier house. I wish them the best. I know it's gonna be hard.
Today I'm gonna be the only tech in the area and I've already got several calls to start the day. We got a little rain last night, I woke and heard it and thought "what is that noise?". We've so little rain recently that it sounded strange. thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been reading the blogs about your mom, and I'm sorry that you have had such a hard time with her. You write well, and I enjoy reading these. I hope you and wife and family are all well.