Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Sunoco having a Lexus

And I bet you thought they were made on assembly lines! I would hate to be this guys insurance agent. I bet he's looking for a new insurance company after this stunt. How crazy do you have to be to drive your car into a building because you're ticked at your significant other. The way I look at it is like this. If You and Them don't get along this bad you need to walk away and start over. Life is too short to waste it on someone who only causes you grief and pain. There's too many people out there looking for someone who will treat them decent for you to stay with a jerk.
We went to see the youngest and his brood tonite. They are finally getting settled into thier new home. I am really proud of him.
The oldest is getting very close to having all his stuff done to get certified to open his new shop. Proud of him too. thanks for reading.

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