Saturday, May 26, 2007

Gross Stupidity

I took this picture on I85 in greenville, sc the other day. That's an unrestrained dog in the back of the small truck. the dog weighed app. 80 lbs. Every so often he would get up and wander over to the side of the truck and lean over to see where they were going. the owner would then turn his head and shout at the dog to sit down. Whilst performing this the truck would weave across the line in one direction or the other and the dog would come close to falling over the side. All this while travelling 70 mph. The picture was made in a rare moment of light traffic. Usually there were trucks and cars on both sides. The oncoming traffic seen to the left was more characteristic of the traffic that morning. After taking the shot I passed them and got as far away as I could. If that dog had fallen out.............

On a lighter note, here's the spouse and our youngest grandchild. I don't know who's happier here. The smell was really strong. That baby is one really spoiled child. Of course, the father and I had nothing to do with it!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Your govt at work

I don't know if this is for real but considering the fact that a crazed paranoid can buy a gun and kill 30 classmates and 12 million illegals can cross our borders at will I tend to believe it is.
We were discussing tonite whether to vote in the next election. It would be real easy to give up on our govt.. Unless you are a minority or a wacko the government doesn't seem to be on your side. But still..........It still seems to be the best thing going. Every other English speaking country I looked at has problems at least as serious and not nearly the same freedoms. I guess you have to keep on plugging along and try to save what you can for your children and grandchildren. thanks for reading.

Friday, May 11, 2007


So very true. I worked in a nursing home for 7 years and found that many elderly act absolutely crazy. I believe that this is a latent tendency that only comes out when they no longer have the constraints of family or job to make them practice restraint. Small frustrations daily cause tiny slip ups, for example when a normally nice person goes off on the clerk because they're out of a particular brand of cigarettes. by the way, have you noticed how many different brands and varieties there are now? I think the tobacco companies are heading for a big crash. You don't make that many different items, maintain the stock and distribution, and keep all your customers happy. Sooner or later it's all gonna come crashing down. Either the distribution will fail or the distributors will rebel. Right now it's a nightmare for distributors, finding shelf space for everything and keeping up with inventory. Many of the customers are incredibly picky. "I want the ultra slim, crush proof box, menthol 100s, with the flavor tip and red writing, brown wrap, with the gold seal on the box." I mean, really, these are cigarettes we're talking about here. You burn them and throw them away. Your taste buds are so fried by the smoke already that you couldn't possibly discern the difference between a brown paper wrap and a white paper wrapper. As I see it there is really a need for just four different packs. Menthol, with and without filter, and Regular, with and without filter. thanks for reading

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Sunoco having a Lexus

And I bet you thought they were made on assembly lines! I would hate to be this guys insurance agent. I bet he's looking for a new insurance company after this stunt. How crazy do you have to be to drive your car into a building because you're ticked at your significant other. The way I look at it is like this. If You and Them don't get along this bad you need to walk away and start over. Life is too short to waste it on someone who only causes you grief and pain. There's too many people out there looking for someone who will treat them decent for you to stay with a jerk.
We went to see the youngest and his brood tonite. They are finally getting settled into thier new home. I am really proud of him.
The oldest is getting very close to having all his stuff done to get certified to open his new shop. Proud of him too. thanks for reading.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Signs of the times

Well, we raised the sign in front of the eldest new tattoo shop. (above)
I took a picture of the front of the shop but it didn't come out. Here's the desk and a couple of the employees. Now if we can just get thru the liscencing procedure the ink can flow.
I was watching Miami Ink last night, they always make it look like the people just walk in. Actually you have to apply way ahead of time and then get screened before you appear on the show. Oh well, it makes for entertainment.
Back to the grindstone, never know what the day will bring. Thanks for reading.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Look Out!

I was taking calls Friday so the dispatcher/manager could take a day off. I got this call early. Seems that some guy was really upset with his wife and decided to drive inside to get her. See the story here. guy must have some money cause his insurance company had repair crew there really quick.
Last week we had to go to our Columbia, SC store to repair damage by a drunk driver. She came thru the parking lot going over 70 mph. took out a light pole and then jumped the curb, went thru the shrubbery and back out into the street. She would have kept going but her car decided it had had enough and quit on her. She had two small chidren in the car with her so Child Endangerment is added the DWI. The safety guy is supposed to be getting me video of this. When I get the video I'll post it so check back with me.
The oldest son is coming right along with his Tattoo shop. You can see his blog here. He needs an artist to help him get the shop opened up. He's really picky about this and wants someone to live up to his standards of hygiene and quality of art. He is really getting tired of all the red tape. SC and the locals make you jump thru increasingly smaller hoops to open a tattoo shop. You can open a home for sexual predators easier than a tattoo shop, seriously. It's like you are some kinda pariah come to prey on the innocents. He's opening in another county because our home county made thier rules so outrageous. Example: You must be 1000 feet from any single family dwelling. You must be 1000 feet from any School, Church, Playground, Liqour store, or Daycare. Try to find a commercial property in your area that meets these criteria. That's over 3 football fields in length. Almost all the commercial property we looked at back up to residential areas. Why build a strip mall anywhere else? You got to build near the customers. Oh well, If the locals don't want the tax money. All the shops that have managed to get open in this area since they legalized it in SC last year are appointment only and many are really doing some terrible work. I believe that in a few years it will settle down and only the best will remain. I also think Oldest will be one of them. thanks for reading.