Wednesday, November 22, 2017

     This is my grandmother and all her children. The handsome man on the far right is my father. Simpler days.
     November 22, 1963 I was in the fifth grade and they let school out early. The principal got on our bus and announced that the President had been shot. I was confused and didn't really understand what he meant. Just like on 9/11 the world changed that day. Things haven't been the same since. The age of innocence was over.
     I am off today and tomorrow for Thanksgiving and I'm cooking the turkey in my smoker. Debs got Thursday and Friday. We can't have two Techs off at the same time so I have to work Friday. If you are travelling this holiday I wish you safe travels.
     All for now, if you are reading this please take the time to comment, sometimes I think no one reads and I would really appreciate your comments. Thank you.

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