Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Tis the season
     I saw this tree on the side of the road today. In all I saw three decorated trees on highway 80. Someone does this every year. In the background is the runway for Greenville Spartanburg International airport. 
      My youngest son called me today with a hot stock tip. This stock comes with an invitation to the annual shareholders meeting. The upshot is that you get to pick the brains of some of the greatest financial brains at the meeting. My son wants me to buy the stock and then let him use the invitation.
     I've been on Hulu and Netflix recently watching old sitcoms. My favorites are Frasier, Cheers, Newhart, Mr. Ed, and Dick Van Dyke. All for now, thanks for reading.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

     This is my grandmother and all her children. The handsome man on the far right is my father. Simpler days.
     November 22, 1963 I was in the fifth grade and they let school out early. The principal got on our bus and announced that the President had been shot. I was confused and didn't really understand what he meant. Just like on 9/11 the world changed that day. Things haven't been the same since. The age of innocence was over.
     I am off today and tomorrow for Thanksgiving and I'm cooking the turkey in my smoker. Debs got Thursday and Friday. We can't have two Techs off at the same time so I have to work Friday. If you are travelling this holiday I wish you safe travels.
     All for now, if you are reading this please take the time to comment, sometimes I think no one reads and I would really appreciate your comments. Thank you.

Saturday, November 04, 2017


     That just about covers it.
     Debs and I were both off today. We planted a bed of tulips and Debs cleaned house. Last night we went shopping for shoes. We couldn't find what we wanted at three different stores. We found the style we wanted but no one had our sizes. When I get through with this posting I'm gonna look at Amazon for shoes. I used to buy shoes by mail all the time.

Wednesday, November 01, 2017

      This has to be a government agency.
      I have the day off today and I'm spending it trying to get over a headache. If I get to feeling better I will do some chores around the house. I try to help Debs out as much as I can. She works full time and then has to go care for her mother before she comes home. Thanks for reading.