Tuesday, October 31, 2017

     Having serious problems at work. It's a shame when you want to just go to work each day and do your job and you  have to put up with someone who gets pleasure from constantly asserting their authority.
     The neighbors chickens are in my yard again. Last Spring they dug up my newly planted garden. Someday soon I'm going to have fried chicken.
     Am I in a mood? Yes, I guess I am.
     Tonight is Halloween. For 30 years we have always had hotdogs on Halloween. I think it started when the kids were young and we needed something quick and easy for Dinner. Anyway it got to be a tradition and we still have it every year. Debs has a recipe for chili and she follows that recipe religiously. I, however, am a dash of this and dab of that cook. Debs gets beside herself when she watches me throw together a meal by reading the recipe and then ignoring it. She always eats it, though and then usually compliments me on the taste. Well, anyway, I hope you all have a Bootiful evening!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

     I remember Spring. It seems like only yesterday. Time flies when you are having fun.
     I saw something today that I couldn't believe. I noticed a pickup truck with two American flags flying from the tailgate and then saw the driver. A full size Panda bear was driving the truck. Whatever you saw today, I got you beat.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

     This is my aunt Mavis, 92 years young with my grandson, Landen and my granddaughter, Chloe. they are the oldest and youngest in our family. Family is important to us as it is to many of you. They may judge you but they never forsake you.
     Fall is in the air, I used the heater in my truck for the first time this fall today. A girl I used to know said it didn't count if you couldn't see your breath. It counted this morning. The okra is about played out and the turnip greens are growing. The leaves are falling and I'm looking forward to cool evenings out on the patio with a fire in the fire pit.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

    We recently travelled to Arkansas for a family reunion. 600 miles each way but worth it to see family we had not seen in a while. We stopped and visited Graceland in Memphis on the way. Everyone should make a visit to the home of the King of Rock and Roll. While in Ark we stayed in Searcy and met everyone at the Red Feather Ranch in Pangburn. Our thanks to my cousin, Bobby and his lovely wife Patrice.
    On a sadder note, we recently lost our little Macy. She was hit by a car and died instantly. Our cat, Lucy, sat by her grave and meowed pitifully the other night. Tm his cat, who rarely lets us pet her, would put up with the dog nibbling on her any time. Go figure.
    I'm still a technician working on gas pumps but I hope to retire next winter. More later.