Saturday, March 25, 2017

   I got a double knee replacement 18 months ago and then left my comfy office job. Back on the road servicing gas pumps. I really enjoy the freedom on the road and really, really enjoy the lack of stress of the office job.
   We welcomed into the family a new addition last summer. She is solid black and of the feline persuasion. We named her Lucy. She was about six weeks old when she was found under a tree in our friends back yard. If she had been a boy we would have called her lucky. She enjoys hunting in the yard, eating and taking lots and lots of naps.
   My beloved bride has a birthday next week and I have to think of something special for her. Maybe Ill cook her a meal. No good, I already do that. Maybe Ill take her shopping. No good, I already do that. Oh well, Ill think of something. 

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