Monday, December 03, 2007


I saw the most inane thing last night. I was in one of our stores and noticed a baseball hat for sale. This hat had a pirate logo on it and emblazoned across the brim was this legend "Beatings will continue until moral improves." Note that it does not say morale but rather moral. Imagine, thousands of these hats are out there and are being worn with a typo on them. This shows just how our society has dumbed down. This hat got all the way through the process of design, screen printing and marketing without ever being noticed. To make it worse, thousands of people have bought them and are proudly wearing them, not realizing that thinking people evrywhere are saying to themselves "What a Maroon!". thanks for reading.

1 comment:

south carolina dem said...

Wow, I see stuff like that all the time and wonder what people are thinking. Obviously someone isn't. I am glad you got your mom in a good place. I realize how stressful all that must have been, and having it taken care of will be a load off your mind. I have posted a link to your blog on mine. I really enjoy reading it.