Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

Here it is, the story of the coming year. I predict that by the end of the year 2008 we will be all heatily sick of politics.
I started my new years' eve out right with several shots of Sailor Jerrys', I hav no idea how this entry will look when I finish since the Sailor has an attitude.
Mom has been eloping lately. That is the term the institutions use to describe someone who is trying to escape. I don't know why this sudden change of heart. We had her meds changed and she has quited down somewhat. I can only hope that she decides to stay put. I hope you all have a happy and prosperous new yeer. thamks for reeding.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Let's hear them sleighbells jingaling........

Xmas* is upon us once again. The only thing positive about it is that I'm stil on the top side of the sod. The installation thing at work was halted until the programmer people could solve their problems and make the system work as promised.
Yesterday was one of those days when I felt like I was chasing my butt all day. I couldn't seem to get anything to work right and spent a lot of time driving. really frustrating.
Mom told me a couple of days ago that she was happy where she was and that I had done the right thing when I had her taken from her home several months ago. She said that she was confused and frightened back then and that she understood now that I was acting in her best interest. I knew that but it felt really good to hear her say it. thanks for reading.

*trademarked by the secular progressive movement USA

Monday, December 03, 2007


I saw the most inane thing last night. I was in one of our stores and noticed a baseball hat for sale. This hat had a pirate logo on it and emblazoned across the brim was this legend "Beatings will continue until moral improves." Note that it does not say morale but rather moral. Imagine, thousands of these hats are out there and are being worn with a typo on them. This shows just how our society has dumbed down. This hat got all the way through the process of design, screen printing and marketing without ever being noticed. To make it worse, thousands of people have bought them and are proudly wearing them, not realizing that thinking people evrywhere are saying to themselves "What a Maroon!". thanks for reading.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Even More Mom

Well, mom seems to be adjusting well to her new home. Sis took her to her house last night to eat dinner with her family. We ordered a new bed and a new lift chair for her to be delivered monday. She will be excited about this and these things will make her feel more at home there. We have had a real difficult time with Medicaid. Mom had three life insurance policies with total face value of 20,000. We were required to cash these in and spend the money on mom before she could qualify for assistance. We have to show proof of this, receipts and cancelled checks.
She is only allowed 1500 in life insurance, not even enough to bury her. Fortunately she has already paid all her burial expenses. Basically you have to be a pauper to qualify even though she has paid taxes and voted her entire life. They also told me that upon her death they would seek reimbursement from her estate, if any is available. I'm just happy she is in a nice place and is cared for. The stress from this has been almost more than I could take. The state and the medical establishments have required mounds of paperwork and working 55-60 hour weeks at the same time has been real stressful. The whole thing was worth it, though, to see mom acting halfway sane again. I know there will be more hard times ahead but I think I'm seeing light at the end of the tunnel on this one.
We have been installing a new POS system at work in about 35-38 stores. I don't really know how many there are. I'm just a tech, I'm not in marketing. We do all the wiring and install the software and then the IT guys do the programming. We do this at night to avoid affecting sales as much as possible. Things usually go well the first few hours, we get our stuff in and then the IT guys start thier part. This is when it slows to a crawl. At first they are talkative and freindly, then they begin to huddle and talk really low. We ask "how's it going?" and they just glance at you and won't meet your eyes. Then after several hours of this suddenly everything starts to work. We show up at around 8pm and finish our part about 1am. They finish thier part about 5am. We can't leave because if something goes wrong we have to be there to correct it or to CYA. There's a lot of office politics going on and we just want this project to be finished. We're working really long hours and still handling service calls at the same time. I love it, the challenge is something I enjoy. Unlike moms' situation I can get a real handle on this and see real results. thanks for reading.