Thursday, December 31, 2015

Statistics  finally caught up with  me Christmas Eve. I was travelling up I85 and ran into a wreck. I hit debris in the road and my air bag deployed. I lost control of my van and hit two other cars. I ended up slamming into the concrete barrier. Fortunately no one was seriously injured. I had bruised ribs from the seat belt and small friction burns on my hands from the air bag. I spent the rest of the day in doctors offices getting x-rayed and checked out. I've travelled that highway for 11 years without incident so I guess my luck finally ran out.

Saturday, March 07, 2015

Here's my sweetheart. This is Macy or as my granddaughter used to call her Macy Facey. She has her own bedroom (otherwise known as the utility room) where she sleeps on a bed with a memory foam mattress and has a heater in cold weather (prevents the pipes from freezing) and air conditioning in hot weather (keeps the freezer from over heating) . It's a dogs' life.
I've got duty this weekend watching out for maintenance needs for Spinx's 85 stores throughout SC. It requires me to log in every 2 or 3 hours and handle any situations that pop up. I seldom go out myself anymore, I just have to dispatch other people to take care of the needs. All for now.

Friday, March 06, 2015

Here's one of my technicians ready for his morning service calls. The first time one of our techs, Tim, was down in a gasoline sump to replace a pump there was a short in a wire and the sump caught fire. Tim is a large guy but it took only microseconds for him to get out of the sump and appear on the sidewalk. In ten years at this job that was the only time I've ever known of a fire. Naturally, it happened to the new guy. That was also the fastest I've ever seen a person move. all for now

Monday, March 02, 2015

This is where I work. This was taken last week when it was 33 degrees. Today it was 68 and felt really fine. My window is the one between the bushes. We are in the process of instituting a new dispatch platform and the growing pains are really fierce.
Deborah and I will celebrate 38 years together this year, she said the other day that she would feel lost without me.....ditto. She is working on a 500 pc puzzle right now. That is the secret to our long marriage..her patience.
I refilled our bird feeder last week and the cardinals have really appreciated it. I will post pictures when I get them. I watched a frustrated squirrel last night trying to figure out how to get to it. Last year I shot 23 of the furry tailed rats in my yard.
I thought that when I inherited the property everything would be cherry. Taxes and insurance quickly put that thought to rest. Well, all for now.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

This is the nerve center of our operation. I sit here most of every day. The best part is I don't have to get out in the weather, Today its snowing and 28 degrees and I'm in a heated office telling other people what to do. Fanfreakingtastic! The downside is that it is 31 miles to my home. In the snow. Just had a call from one of my guys that the roads near Travelors Rest were getting impossible so I'll have to ignore service tickets to that area unless they are "critical". In the background is a screen showing where all my trucks are in real time. GPS is great! Well, that is all for now.

Monday, February 23, 2015

well, here I go again. it's been a while since I posted. I am in a new job with the same company. I now handle all dispatching for the technicians. I also handle warehouse operations. Mom passed away a couple of years ago and I inherited all the property along with the taxes and insurance payments.