Saturday, May 01, 2010

Twice this week I finished my day by driving home down Highway 11 also called the Cherokee Foothills Scenic Highway. It's a nice way to finish your day.
I had quite a week. I had to change a leak detector on a pump this week that really hard to change. Thankfully the calls were light this week and I was able to get one of the other guys to help me.
I visited Mom this week. She didn't recognise me and when I pressed her to tell me who I was she offered to "Slap your face."

Sunday, April 18, 2010

We got our garden planted today. Looking forward to fresh veggies. We ate dinner out on the patio. When I went to unfold the chairs I found a birds nest with 4 little mouths looking up at me. I folded that one back up and left it alone. Above you can see what I face nearly every morning. Thanks for reading.
What a choice, gay or strait? Nothing is sacred in politics. Anyway I'm enjoying a lazy Sunday. I went to visit Mom this morning. She rambled quite a bit and told me she and several dead relatives had planted a garden. I can only imagine what kind of garden ghost plant. I'm getting ready to plant my own garden. Tilled the soil yesterday and got it ready to plant. We are going to plant tomatoes, squash, bell peppers, jalepenos, and cucumbers. Our garden is a raised bed 8' by 8'. It's not much but we have a vegetable stand next door to our house and a generous neighbor running it. We never lack for fresh vegetables in season. Our little side by side freezer is always stuffed with frozen vegetables.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010


Last year I had just passed the end of the runway at GSP when a twin engined plane hit the gaurdrails and crashed right beside the road. Now I look for airplanes every time I pass by there. It's bad enough to have to watch out for the crazy drivers out there now I have to drive defensively for aircraft.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

ugly ones

I bet it's more like the other way around. Home again today. Worked on the old homestead. Youngest son is moving in but wants it just so before he does so. Stripped and varnished floor today. His wife said "wow".

Monday, April 05, 2010


Nope never been there but it looks like the people there have a sense of humor. I've been off today and worked in the yard all day. It was kind of like the Martin Mull song Normal. I spent all morning getting it going. Seems like everything I own needs to be repaired. Using my vacation days this week. I have to use em or lose em. Of course I'd much rather be at work(ha ha).

Monday, March 29, 2010

Nap time

I was going to work the remodel tonite but the youngest son is out of town and this is probably a good time for a nap. When he's home he brings the kids over and naps are out of the question. The older I get the more I enjoy a good nap. I like to get rested up before I go to bed.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

new stuff

There's not a lot new. My youngest son and his family are remodeling our old home to live in. We're gonna have all our grandchildren living right next door. It's going to be real difficult to take a nap with 3 wild children running in and out. Oh well.