Thursday, May 29, 2008

Vista Sucks

Wise advice, indeed. I finally got all my drivers loaded and working on my laptop. was a big help and well worth the 30 bucks. Microsoft really bit a big one with Vista, it's slow, cumbersome and uses up way too much hard drive and ram. I'll stick with the XP Pro and Firefox. My Hard drive now uses about 25% less storage for basic functions and works at least 70% faster. Cool! thanks for reading.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Well, I've been enjoying a few days of R&R. Actually I worked on things around the house most of te time. I painted two doors today so I could hang them tonite. Inside white and the outside black and, you guessed it, One of them was painted backwards. I'll finish it tomorrow.
I got a new laptop several weeks ago loaded with Vista. After putting up with slow speed, interrupted internet and Vista using up hard drive I finally formatted it and loaded my old, reliable XP. Used a lot less hard drive and stays online even with sketchy signal.
Deb and I are still working on repairing our mariage. She usually eats dinner with me, visits a while and then I walk her home.
Mom is finally in a designated Medicaid bed now and will end her days there. I plan to see her in the morning. I'll write about that later. thanks for reading. Sorry, no pictures on this new computer.