Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I guess everyone is ready for thanksgiving. We've bought our turkey and prepared for the big meal. We probably would go out but our children insisted that it wouldn't be the same if we didn't do the big family meal thing. I think my sister is going to have mom at her house this year. thanks for reading.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Mom again

Well, we finally got a permanent home for mom. She has improved to the point that she is going into an assisted living right here in our town. She will still have her meds supervised and get her meals prepared but otherwise she is on her own. The picture shows just one of the common rooms in the place. there is also a really posh dining room and several activity areas. The residents also are taken out shopping and to other activities. Kinda like living on a cruise ship. She seems excited and is looking forward to the move. The down side is that to qualify for this we have to cash in her three small life insurance policies and spend the money on her or on her house by dec. 1 and show proof to the medicaid people. The paperwork I have gone through in the last three months is unbelievable. The picture above made it look kind of empty, actually the place is full of people. I wasn't allowed to take any pictures with the residents in them.

Christmas is just around the corner and I thought this photo would help get everyone in the right mood. With everything else to deal with I'm sure all the Santas out there are gonna be stressed to the max. thanks for reading.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Sugar High

Well, Halloween is over except for the sugar rushes the kids will be getting for the next few days till the candy runs out. I'm glad mine are grown. You can always send the grandkids home when they get to be too much.
I applied for some insurance the other day and my driver record came back showing a speeding conviction I wasn't aware of. Turns out this guy in California is using my number to drive on. I ran into this person 30 years ago when I first got a Commercial license. He has the same name and birthdate as I do and that's all the CDL people used to look at. Nowadays they also use the SS number. This is a bad guy with an arrest record small children could sit on to reach the dinner table. I called the CDL help line and they said I also had a record in Oregon, pretty strange considering that I've never been further west than Arkansas. This rules out that west coast vacation I was thinking about. If I got stopped for speeding in Ca I could wind up as someones sweetheart in a California penitentiary. thanks for reading.